Animal control, River Oaks property and Public Works Update presented to Council on February 16, 2022
Council started their meeting recognizing Julie Yellig, who serves as the ECCL/Adopt-a-Highway Coordinator. She has helped organize Estero volunteers join together in an effort to help keep our roadways free of litter. Over 3.8 tons of litter have been collected since the program began. Yellig also provides assistance for volunteers for the local Adopt-a-Road program which is supported by the Village of Estero and Keep Lee County Beautiful. They then approved an FY 2021-2022 interlocal agreement between Estero and Lee County for stray animal control services in the amount of $41, 972. Since incorporation, the Village has relied on several [Read More.]
River Oaks and Public Works Update on the agenda for Council on February 16, 2022
Council will start their meeting at 9:30 a.m., Wednesday, recognizing Julie Yellig, who serves as the ECCL/Adopt-a-Highway Coordinator. They will then address an FY 2021-2022 interlocal agreement between Estero and Lee County for Stray Animal Control Services. Workshop items include a 10-acre vacant parcel at the east end of Broadway Avenue known as River Oaks, a Public Works Update and an appointment to the Lee County Tourist Development Council. The full agenda is available here. Meetings are held in the Council Chambers, Village Hall, 9401 Corkscrew Palms Circle, near the entrance to the Estero Park. Residents may view the meeting [Read More.]
Bike/ped improvements, utilities extension and virtual information center addressed by Council on February 2, 2022
Public Comment on non-agenda items: The Estero Council of Community Leaders (ECCL) COO asked that Councilmembers consider being a judge for the high school and middle school essay contest. The winning students receive a scholarship sponsored by the ECCL, Estero Historical Society and Greater Estero Chamber of Commerce. A candidate for the Lee County School Board introduced herself and provided her background information. A resident expressed concerns regarding the formerly proposed school on Three Oaks Parkway. The editor of Estero Life Magazine pointed out that the most recent issue of the magazine’s “Village Connection” page provides an introduction to the [Read More.]
Broadway Avenue utilities extension and Broadway East & Sandy Lane bike/ped improvements on the agenda for Council on February 2, 2022
Broadway East & Sandy Lane Council will start their meeting at 9:30 a.m., Wednesday, reviewing a resolution supporting the establishment and alignment of U.S. Bicycle Route 15 which will travel through the Village. They will then address the ranking of firms to provide consulting services for the Sandy Lane and Broadway East Bicycle/Pedestrian Improvements Project, and the ranking of consultants to provide design and permitting services for Broadway East and West extension of utilities. Council will also conduct a workshop on the Greater Estero Virtual Information Center, an information database about all things in and about greater Estero. The full [Read More.]
Estero developments, U.S. Bike Route 15 and maintenance projects among topics reviewed by Council on January 19, 2022
Council started their meeting recognizing Estero vocalist Lindsey Graham for making a positive difference in the community. Ms. Graham is known for her outstanding performances at the Village’s Veteran’s Day events, among her many accomplishments. As a “thank you”, she responded by leading the Council and residents in the chamber in singing “God Bless America”. Presentation Scott Dudley, Florida League of Cities, gave a presentation on Local Voices United. This bipartisan group is focused on “home rule” and local decision making. Their guiding principle is “the federal government should only do that which state governments cannot do, and state governments [Read More.]
Estero development projects and US Bike Route 15 among topics for Council on January 19, 2022
Council will start their meeting at 9:30 a.m., Wednesday. Action items include a lien mitigation request, maintenance of the bridge on Sandy Lane and box culverts on Via Coconut Point, and adoption of Ordinance 2022-01 approving the updated schedule for the Capital Improvement Program for FY 2021/2022. Council will then conduct workshops to review the Planning, Zoning & Design Board’s annual report, an update on development projects in the Village and the proposed U.S. Bike Route 15 alignment through the Village. The full agenda is available here. Meetings are held in the Council Chambers, Village Hall, 9401 Corkscrew Palms Circle, [Read More.]
Council conducted workshops on Raptor Bay Golf Course renovation and Corkscrew Rd/Puente Lane traffic signal on January 5, 2022
Council started their meeting by recognizing the board members of the Happehatchee Center for deeding their approximately 5-acre property to the Village of Estero for inclusion in the Estero on the River property. The Happehatchee board members included Ruth King Fotovat, Mary Kline Golbitz Esq., Genelle Grant who served 14 years as president of the Center, Marta Matias, and Richard P. Shine. The Happehatchee Center was purchased in 1976 by Ellen Peterson, an advocate for the environment who turned the property into a nature preserve. Public Comment: A resident commended the Village on its website and questioned the regulation for [Read More.]
Council to conduct workshops on Raptor Bay Golf Course renovation and Corkscrew Rd/Puente Lane traffic signal on January 5, 2022
Council will start their meeting with a resolution to modify the policy for paid time off for staff who have been unable to take time off due to the impacts of COVID-19. A contract for Estero Parkway maintenance and a national opioid settlement will be reviewed prior to the first reading of Ordinance 2022-01 approving an update to the Capital Improvements Element which includes the Capital Improvement Program approved for Fiscal Year 2021/2022. Workshops will then be conducted updating Council on the Raptor Bay Golf Course renovation and the Corkscrew Rd/Puente Lane traffic signal. The full agenda is available here. [Read More.]
Council to conduct workshops on the Estero on the River trail, US 41/Pelican Colony Blvd. traffic light and FEMA map revisions on December 1, 2021
Council will start their meeting at 9:30 a.m., Wednesday, with a second reading and public hearing for Ordinance 2021-11 to repeal the “transitional” ordinances which were put in place when the Village incorporated. This will be followed by workshops covering the Estero on the River phase 1 path update, a brief update on the proposed traffic signal at US 41 and Pelican Colony Blvd., and a presentation summarizing the recently adopted FEMA map revisions that affect the Estero River. The full agenda is available here. Meetings are held in the Council Chambers, Village Hall, 9401 Corkscrew Palms Circle, near the [Read More.]