Planning, Zoning & Design Board

1403, 2024

Cell tower, learning center and daycare reviewed by the Planning, Zoning and Design Board on March 12, 2024

By |March 14th, 2024|Categories: Planning, Zoning & Design Board|Comments Off on Cell tower, learning center and daycare reviewed by the Planning, Zoning and Design Board on March 12, 2024

Public Hearing The Board started their meeting with a public hearing for an amendment to Commercial Planned Development to add a 178-foot-tall monopole cell tower on a 12-acre parcel at 19980 Bella Terra Blvd. off Corkscrew Road. The facility will include the monopole with antennas, a 4 x 8-foot concrete pad for a generator, three 10 x 15- foot lease areas, all of which will be enclosed by an eight-foot chain-link fence with barbed wire surrounded by a fifteen-foot-wide landscape buffer with double hedgerow and sable palms. According to the applicant Broadus Tower, this facility is necessary to improve the [Read More.]

703, 2024

Cell tower, learning center and daycare on the agenda for the Planning, Zoning and Design Board of March 12, 2024

By |March 7th, 2024|Categories: Planning, Zoning & Design Board|Comments Off on Cell tower, learning center and daycare on the agenda for the Planning, Zoning and Design Board of March 12, 2024

The Board will start their meeting at 4:30 p.m., Tuesday, March 12, conducting a public hearing for an amendment to Commercial Planned Development to add a 178-foot-tall monopole cell tower at 19980 Bella Terra Blvd. off Corkscrew Road. The Board will then conduct workshops for the proposed Goddard School for Early Childhood Development to be located at 10100 Arcos Avenue, and Coastal Palms Academy located at 9600 Corkscrew Road. The full agenda is available here. Meetings are held in the Council Chambers, Village Hall, 9401 Corkscrew Palms Circle, near the entrance to the Estero Community Park. Residents may view the meeting [Read More.]

1402, 2024

Downtown Estero, Woodfield, Via Coconut and the old post office were reviewed by the Planning, Zoning & Design Board on February 13, 2024

By |February 14th, 2024|Categories: Planning, Zoning & Design Board|Comments Off on Downtown Estero, Woodfield, Via Coconut and the old post office were reviewed by the Planning, Zoning & Design Board on February 13, 2024

Downtown Estero townhomes Public Hearing Downtown Estero The applicant was requesting approval of a development order for the construction of 10 townhomes in two 2-story buildings on their 34-acre property located east of US 41 and north of Broadway Avenue East on Estero Village Way. The overall Downtown Estero project includes the construction of three apartment buildings, mixed-use buildings (apartment and retail), multi-family villas, commercial, supportive parking lots and utilities, three indigenous preserve areas, and the stormwater management system. This project includes a road that will connect US 41 to Boardway Avenue East, which will be privately maintained but open [Read More.]

602, 2024

Downtown Estero, Woodfield, Via Coconut and the old post office are on the agenda for the Planning, Zoning & Design Board on February 13, 2024

By |February 6th, 2024|Categories: Planning, Zoning & Design Board|Comments Off on Downtown Estero, Woodfield, Via Coconut and the old post office are on the agenda for the Planning, Zoning & Design Board on February 13, 2024

Downtown Estero The Board will start the meeting at 4:30 p.m., Tuesday, with a public hearing for Downtown Estero multifamily townhomes located east of US 41 and north of Broadway East. Public information meetings will then be conducted for Woodfield’s development order application to be located at the corner of US 41 and Coconut Road, Via Coconut’s zoning amendment application for 20 acres of property south of Corkscrew Road and west of Via Coconut Point, and the old post office building’s zoning amendment application at 8111 Broadway East. The full agenda is available here. Meetings are held in the Council [Read More.]

1312, 2023

Estero Storage, Goddard School, Home2Suites and Estero Townhomes addressed by the Planning, Zoning & Design Board on December 12, 2023

By |December 13th, 2023|Categories: Planning, Zoning & Design Board|Comments Off on Estero Storage, Goddard School, Home2Suites and Estero Townhomes addressed by the Planning, Zoning & Design Board on December 12, 2023

Public Information Meetings The Board conducted four public information meetings on Tuesday.  Public information meetings are held prior to decision-making meetings, and no voting occurs during these meetings. Estero Storage, LLC Estero Storage, LLC, is seeking a zoning amendment at Plaza del Sol in order to construct a 7.08-acre mixed-use development including storage, hotel, retail/restaurant/medical office located at 10251 Arcos Avenue behind the car wash.  This property was zoned for an assisted living facility that was never developed. Their plans call for a 110,000 square foot storage facility, 120 hotel rooms, and 18,000 square feet of commercial along with an [Read More.]

512, 2023

Home2Suites and Toll Brothers Estero Townhomes among topics for the Planning, Zoning & Design Board on December 12, 2023

By |December 5th, 2023|Categories: Planning, Zoning & Design Board|Comments Off on Home2Suites and Toll Brothers Estero Townhomes among topics for the Planning, Zoning & Design Board on December 12, 2023

Home2Suites The Board will start the meeting at 4:30 p.m., Tuesday, conducting four public information meetings. Public information meetings are held prior to decision-making meetings, and no voting occurs during these meetings. Estero Storage, LLC, is seeking a zoning amendment at Plaza del Sol to construct a mixed-use development including storage, hotel, retail/restaurant/medical office located at 10251 Arcos Avenue. The Goddard School for early childhood development is planning to build a 11,650-square foot school at 10100 Arcos Avenue at Plaza del Sol. Home2Suites is proposing a 4-story, 111-room hotel to be located in an existing parking lot within the Coconut [Read More.]

1611, 2023

Hilton Garden Inn, Coastal Palms Academy and 9000 Williams Road addressed by the Planning, Zoning & Design Board on November 14, 2023

By |November 16th, 2023|Categories: Planning, Zoning & Design Board|Comments Off on Hilton Garden Inn, Coastal Palms Academy and 9000 Williams Road addressed by the Planning, Zoning & Design Board on November 14, 2023

Hilton Garden Inn Public Hearing – Hilton Garden Inn The Board conducted a public hearing for of a development order for the proposed Hilton Garden Inn hotel on a 2.16-acre parcel at 8009 Sweetwater Ranch Blvd. The applicant was proposing a 70,800 square foot, 5 story tall building with 115 guest rooms. The proposed architecture blends with the existing architecture in the development, including roof type and color, and building colors, which are 3 shades of yellow. There will be 117 on-site parking spaces, with 15 off-site parking space. The amenities will include a fitness center, meeting rooms, pool with [Read More.]

1011, 2023

Hilton Garden Inn, Coastal Palms Academy and 9000 Williams Road among topics for the Planning, Zoning & Design Board on November 14, 2023

By |November 10th, 2023|Categories: Planning, Zoning & Design Board|Comments Off on Hilton Garden Inn, Coastal Palms Academy and 9000 Williams Road among topics for the Planning, Zoning & Design Board on November 14, 2023

Hilton Garden Inn The meeting will start at 4:30 p.m., Tuesday, with a public hearing for approval of a development order for the proposed 115-unit Hilton Garden Inn hotel on a 2.16 -acre parcel at 8009 Sweetwater Ranch Blvd. There will be public information meetings conducted for the Coastal Palms Academy which is proposing a day care/pre-school for children from infant to pre-school age at 9600 Corkscrew Road, and the Village’s 19-acre property at 9000 Williams Road and Via Coconut Point. The Board will then conduct public hearings pertaining to the Land Development Code. The full agenda is available here. [Read More.]

1110, 2023

Brooks Town Center apartments, Walmart and Hilton Garden Inn among items addressed by the Planning, Zoning & Design Board October 10, 2023

By |October 11th, 2023|Categories: Planning, Zoning & Design Board|Comments Off on Brooks Town Center apartments, Walmart and Hilton Garden Inn among items addressed by the Planning, Zoning & Design Board October 10, 2023

Public Hearing Coconut Point Residences The meeting started with a public hearing for the development order for PAC Estero Apartments, LLC to redevelop a portion of the existing Brooks Town Center into a 4-story, 137-unit residential apartment complex on 5.33 acres of the total project site of 9.95 acres.  The project is located at the northwest corner of Coconut Road and Three Oaks Parkway. When Lee County approved The Brooks rezoning and Development of Regional Impact in 1997, there was an array of various uses allowed.  The 9.95-acre site that is the subject of this development order was developed as [Read More.]

1309, 2023

Cell phone tower, Abbiati Dental and Estero Park among topics addressed by the Planning, Zoning & Design Board on September 12, 2023

By |September 13th, 2023|Categories: Planning, Zoning & Design Board|Comments Off on Cell phone tower, Abbiati Dental and Estero Park among topics addressed by the Planning, Zoning & Design Board on September 12, 2023

 Public Information Meeting Cell phone tower at Bella Terra A representative for Broadus Towers described the proposed Bella Terra project as a 148-foot-tall dull gray monopole which will hold antennas for 4 carriers, with Verizon and T-Mobile antennas currently scheduled.  The dark tones on the monopole are designed to help minimize visibility and it will be completed dark at night.  Landscaping around the facility includes a double hedge row and palm trees. The applicant stated communication towers are now the primary mode of communication and this project is being proposed to improve wireless service coverage to this growing area including [Read More.]

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