
Front row left to right: Mark Blust, Mayor Bill Ribble, Meg Geltner, Margo Brewster and Jennifer Nelson. Back row: Councilmembers Howard Levitan, Jon McLain, Vice-Mayor Katy Errington, Councilmembers Jim Boesch and Nick Batos.
Council started their meeting by acknowledging that March is Women’s History Month and designating the month of March 2020 be set aside as Believing in Girls Month. Mayor Bill Ribble presented a proclamation to members of the The PACE Center for Girls which provides girls and young women an opportunity for a better future through education, counseling, training and advocacy. (Proclamation)

Front left to right: Douglas Boesch, Mayor Bill Ribble, Councilmember Jim Boesch and Diane Boesch. Back row: Councilmembers Howard Levitan, Jon McLain, Vice-Mayor Katy Errington and Councilmember Nick Batos.
Mayor Bill Ribble presented a proclamation to Councilmember Jim Boesch recognizing his efforts to ensure the success of the Estero Forever Foundation and its mission “to mobilize financial resources for the fulfillment of our vision by encouraging and facilitating generosity.” (Proclamation)
Public Comment
Three residents spoke. One thanked Vice Mayor Katy Errington and David Willems for taking part in the recent Estero River workshop; one expressed concerns regarding safety issues associated with 5G and above wireless technology; and one expressed concerns regarding proposed toll roads and future widening of Three Oaks Parkway.
Action Items
Corkscrew Road Enhancements
Council authorized Village Manager Steve Sarkozy and Public Works Director David Willems to meet with Lee County to resolve a suitable design alternative to include landscaping, lighting and off-road pathways similar to those being installed on Estero Parkway.
Resolution No. 2020-01 – Stormwater Master Plan
The Stormwater Master Plan provides extensive analysis of regional and local stormwater management to improve the overall understanding of how Estero’s stormwater management system functions and how outside areas influence Estero. Council approved this formal adoption of this plan which will help improve the Village’s FEMA flood insurance rating. (Resolution)
Lien Mitigation Request – Racetrac Petroleum, Inc.
Council approved the lien mitigation request from Racetrac, releasing any outstanding liens against the property in exchange for payment of a reduced fine of $15,000 and $331.50 for administrative costs.
Disposal of items at Happehatchee Center
The Village’s recent acquisition of the Happehatchee Center property included an assortment of miscellaneous items including a lawnmower, hand tools, potted plants, and other equipment used for the upkeep of the facility and gardening that were left behind by the previous owners.
Council authorized the disposal of these miscellaneous items and equipment by hiring a company that specializes in junk removal and disposal.
The 4 ½ acre Happehatchee property will be sustained for environmental preservation and environmental education purposes.
Design Review Board and Chairman appointments
Design Review Board members William Glass, Michael Sheeley, Thomas Barber, and Zach Zachariah terms will expire on March 31, 2020. Board members William Glass and Michael Sheeley requested reappointment.
Council voted to reappoint William Glass and Michael Sheeley to two-year terms expiring March 31, 2022. They also appointed Barry Jones Chairman for a one-year appointment.
Planning and Zoning Board and Chairman appointments
Planning and Zoning Board members Anthony Gargano and John Yarbrough terms will expire on March 31, 2020. Both Board members have requested reappointment.
Council voted to reappoint Anthony Gargano and John Yarbrough to three-year terms expiring March 31, 2023, and appoint Scotty Wood as Chairman for a one-year appointment.
Ordinance No. 2020-02 – amendment to Transitional Land Development Code regarding impact fees
Council approved this second reading of this ordinance which addresses a minor amendment to the Transitional Land Development Code pertaining to the use of impact fees. It clarifies that road impact fees can be used for “multimodal” projects, which would include sidewalks, bikeways and similar pedestrian improvements, including stand-alone projects. (Ordinance)
Council Communications
There was a general consensus among the Council that the landscaping along the US41 corridor is lacking and that some plant materials need to be replaced.
Fiscal Year 2020-2021 Capital Improvement Program (CIP)
Public Works Director David Willems gave a presentation on the CIP which outlines how the Village will spend funds on roadway, landscaping, bicycle/pedestrian, stormwater, and parks/recreation projects over the next five years. The majority of projects are a result of public participation through comments and surveys. (Presentation)
Council stated they need time to review the projects during additional workshops. The March 10 and March 12 community open houses will be postponed and will follow the additional Council workshops. The dates for Council review and adoption also have been postponed.
Residents may view the archived meeting by going to the Village website
The next Council meeting will be held at 9:30 a.m., Wednesday, March 18, 2020.