Public Comment on non-agenda items
Barbara Saxton, Chair of the Friends of River Oaks, spoke about their successful “This Place Matters” event held at River Oaks on May 18. They are planning another, larger event for late September. The organization has hired a caretaker to maintain the work that has been done to date on this property, which is located at the end of the road at 9541 Broadway Avenue East.
Gary Israel spoke about the work that the Rotary is doing in Cape Coral to provide benches and picnic tables at school bus stops and how the Estero Rotary Club would like to work with the Village Council and Lee County School Board to assist in bus safety efforts in Estero.
Bill Daubmann proposed a “Signing Day” for those high school students going directly into the workforce instead of going to college. He emphasized the need to acknowledge and support those students choosing a career after graduation since not all can afford, or have the desire, for a college education but can be equally successful in a trade occupation.
Action Items
Resolution No. 2019-04 – Replat of Lot in Miromar Outlets Mall
Council voted to adopt this resolution approving the replatting of a lot in Miromar Outlets Mall parking lot to accommodate a 135-room hotel on approximately 2 acres. (Summary Sheet)
Resolution No. 2019-05 – Joint Participation Agreement with Florida Department of Transportation
Council voted to adopt this resolution approving the joint agreement with FDOT for the US 41 Landscape Improvements Project on US 41 from Pelican Colony Boulevard to Vintage Parkway (Estero’s northern border). Approximately $90,000 additional funds will be required to complete the project due to the fact the contractor will maintain the landscape for two years following completion of the project. (Summary Sheet)
Village Attorney’s report
Septic to Sewer Process
Village Attorney Burt Saunders had been asked by Council to review this process as the septic tanks in Estero have been in place for a long time and there is a concern some may be failing and have a negative impact on the environment. Saunders quoted Florida Statutes in reviewing the Village of Estero’s authority to regulate septic systems, including mandating repairs and regular inspections of septic systems. Staff will be meeting with Lee County Utilities to discuss this process, as well conducting additional public workshops in the future. (Summary Sheet)
Public Comment: A resident asked that workshops pertaining to this subject be conducted in the evening so that residents who work may attend.
Estero Capital Improvement Program (CIP)
The Capital Improvement Program (CIP) lists all the major capital projects going through this process, even those which are not funded.
Public Works Director David Willems reviewed some of the projects scheduled in the Fiscal Year 2019-2020 summary which include improvements to Estero Parkway, design of improvements to River Ranch Road, Williams Road west of US 41 and crosswalks on Coconut Point Road east of US 41. (Presentation)
Public Comment: 3 residents expressed their recommendations for consideration.
The 2019-2020 Budget Calendar is as follows: Budget Workshop and CIP Public Hearing July 10; preliminary millage rate vote and CIP Public Hearing July 24; tentative Budget Hearing including millage rate vote at 5:30 p.m., September 4 and the final Budget Hearing including the millage rate vote at 5:30 p.m. September 18.
Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan
The Village’s consultants for this project reviewed how they had obtained an extensive amount of public input through public meetings, an online mapping tool and focus group workshops. They stated they had 1,000 online comments, with the majority of comments geared to biking vs walking opportunities. Their focus was on connectivity and safety while encouraging mobility.
They stated that while the Sun Trail is probably 20 years in the future, much needs to be done before that project can happen. They identified 73 miles of walkways and bikeways in the Village. (Presentation)
Director of the Lee County Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) Don Scott pointed out there are state and federal funds available for multimodal activities.
Public Comment: 2 residents expressed their recommendations for consideration.
Additional details will be available in the minutes of this meeting. Residents may also view the archived meeting by going to the Village website
*Please Note*: The next Council meeting will be conducted at 9:30 a.m. Wednesday, June 26, 2019, as Council will be attending the June 19 Lee County Board of Commissioners meeting to address concerns about proposed changes to the Lee County Comprehensive Plan that will eliminate the current controls on limerock mining. Estero residents are encouraged to attend this meeting to voice their concerns about mining’s impacts on our water supply, water quality, wildlife and quality of life.