The Village of Estero Floodplain Management
Address: The Village of Estero City Hall, 9401 Corkscrew Palms Circle, Estero, FL 33928
Phone: 239-221-5036
Hours: Monday through Friday 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Floodplain management is an essential day to day responsibility of the Village of Estero. With 45% of the Village being in a Special Flood Hazard Area (SFHA), the Village is dedicated to educating its residents about flood safety and damage prevention to their: dwelling, personal belongings and business.
It is the Village responsibility to promote public awareness of flooding that could result from natural disasters and to maintain participation in the Community Rating System CRS) through FEMA’s National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP.)
The NFIP insures buildings including mobile homes, with two types of coverage; building and contents.
Building coverage includes any damage to: walls, floors, insulation and other items permanently attached to the structure where damage is caused by a flood. Contents coverage may be purchased separately, if the contents are located in a covered building.
The CRS program is a voluntary program through the NFIP and is designed to encourage local governments to adopt and enforce floodplain management policies and procedures to ensure flood resistant development in a community. It uses a point system of 1 through 10, with 10 being minimum, to grade the amount of additional flood education and safety a community offers to its residents.
The Village currently has a CRS rating of 6 which gives each NFIP policy holder in the SFHA an additional 20% discount on their flood insurance bill each year (10% if you are outside of the SFHA – these are called Preferred Risk Policies.)
If you should have any questions about the CRS program, or the Village of Estero’s floodplain please feel free to contact us.
Floodplain Links and Resources
Web Links
- Flood Smart
- When Flood Insurance is Required
- Avoiding Flood Damage – National Hurricane Service. NOAA Hurricane Preparedness- BE READY
- FEMA Response and Recovery Links
- Real-time Rainfall Monitoring – Interactive Map for viewing local rainfall station data
- Florida Office of Insurance Regulations
- Flood Insurance Overview – Florida Division of Consumer Services
- Storm Ready