
Proclamation 9-9-2020

Mayor Bill Ribble presents certificate to Finance Director Lisa Griggs Roberson (practicing social distancing). 

Council started the meeting by acknowledging that the Government Finance Officers Association presented the Distinguished Budget Presentation Award to the Village of Estero for its comprehensive financial report for the Fiscal Year ending October 1, 2019.  This national award is presented for the highest level of performance in governmental budgeting.

In addition, when this award is granted to an entity, a Certificate of Recognition for Budget Preparation is presented to the individual/department designated as primarily responsible for this achievement.

This is the fourth year in a row that the Village has received this award and Lisa has received this certificate.

Public Comment on non-agenda items: An Estero resident thanked Councilmember Nick Batos for his efforts to help incorporate Estero as well as all of his works since. The resident also suggested that the Village needs more small neighborhood parks.

Consent Agenda

Council approved the Consent Agenda which included the following items:

Interlocal agreement for sub grant funding via the West Coast Inland Navigation District (WCIND)

This interlocal agreement with Lee County reimburses Estero for sheriff patrol services on the Estero River which are provided by the Lee County Sheriff’s Office.  (Agreement)

Public Comment: The clerk read an eComment Card into the record.

Coronavirus UpdateSubaward and grant agreement with the State of Florida for COVID-19 expenses

This is  a contract between the Village of Estero and the State of Florida which provides the mechanism for the Village to receive reimbursement for expenditures made in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. (Agreement)

Small project completion and certification form

The mayor will sign this form which confirms to the State of Florida that the Village has completed all of its projects related to Hurricane Irma, which received federal reimbursement funds.  Most of these projects dealt with debris clean-up in the immediate aftermath of Hurricane Irma’s impact.  The Village has received $245,691.55 in reimbursement funds from FEMA for Hurricane Irma-related expenses.

Public Hearings

Resolution No. 2020-15 – FY 2020-2021 ad valorem taxes

ad valoremCouncil approved this resolution adopting the tentative levying of ad valorem taxes for Fiscal Year 2020-2021.  This millage rate is 0.7726 mills ($0.7726 per $1,000 of assessed property value) which is equal to the prior year rate which also is the lowest tax rate in southwest Florida.

The second public hearing and adoption of this resolution will be held on September 23, 2020 at 5:30 p.m.

Resolution No. 2020-16 – FY 2020-2021 budget


Council approved this resolution adopting the tentative Budget for Fiscal Year 2020- 2021 with two modifications.  The proposed budgeted expenditures are:

  • General Fund – $5,922,210
  • Special Revenue – $1,089,800
  • Debt Service – $1,415,800
  • Capital Projects – $9,364,230
  • Total –  $17,792,040

Council recommended a budget modification to address additional patrols on the Estero River for the safety of residents, and expenditures to upgrade the audio/visual equipment to provide better communication services for the residents.

Public Comment: The clerk read an eComment Card into the record.

The second public hearing and adoption of this resolution will be held on September 23, 2020 at 5:30 p.m.

Second reading of ordinances

Ordinance No. 2020-06 – Special assessments

Council voted to adopt this ordinance which will establish local authority to create special assessments, provide for notice, imposition and their collection, as well as the ability to pledge assessments towards the repayment of future fiscal obligations. This ordinance is in anticipation of the Village proceeding with projects that will fully or partially be funded by the residents or property owners that directly benefit from those projects.  These projects include: streets; sidewalks; street lighting; water service; sewage service; stormwater; and other essential facilities and municipal services.      (Ordinance)

Public Comment: The clerk read an eComment Card into the record.

Action Items

CN-2018-02 Misc. professional services change order – Estero Parkway

Council approved the construction, engineering and inspection contract with Kisinger Campo & Associates for Estero Parkway roadway and landscape improvements to be extended to 360 days, which matches the project construction schedule of 330 days plus 30 days to close out the project.  The completion date is scheduled for December 12, but the contractor is proposing they may finish prior to that date. (Summary)

Corkscrew Road/Puente Lane traffic signal interlocal agreement

Corkscrew RoadCouncil approved the modified interlocal agreement between Lee County and the Village of Estero for a traffic signal at Corkscrew Road/Puente Lane.  The Village will pay Lee County $772,350.00 for construction of the traffic signal (less potentially $180,652.67 from Estero Crossing).  The Village will be reimbursed for the full cost by the property owners within Estero Crossing, Plaza Del Sol, and Estero Town Commons (Lowe’s Plaza).  (Agreement)

Resolution No. 2020-17 – amending Resolution No. 2016-09 pertaining to paid time off

Council voted to adopt this resolution.  As the result of continuing impacts of COVID-19, the Village staff have been unable to take paid time off (PTO) as provided in personnel policies.  This resolution addresses amending the personnel policies from a total of 40 hours to allow for additional pay to directors and the executive assistant of up to a total of 80 hours of unused PTO for the fiscal years 2019-2020 and 2020- 2021 only.

The additional 40 hours of PTO will cost approximately $14,000 in wages and taxes in each fiscal year.  (Resolution)

Resolution No. 2020-18 – personal protective equipment

Council voted to adopt this resolution pertaining to the award of contract for items including N95 respirator masks, reusable cloth masks, refillable and portable hand sanitizers, and bags to package these items in.  The total cost of $55,598 is expected to be reimbursed by CARES Act funding.  The N95 masks are to be sourced from Canada.  (Resolution)

Deputy Village Manager Kyle Coleman gave a short presentation on how staff have worked to condense numerous physical boxes of files into 5 CD drives for Laserfiche, providing better customer service, transparency, accessibility, efficiency and compliance.  (Presentation)

Council Communication: Council agreed that, due to COVID-19, the annual Veterans Day celebration should be postponed to 2021 for everyone’s safety.

Residents may view the archived meeting by going to the Village website

The next Council meeting will be held at 5:30 p.m., Wednesday, September 23, 2020.