Estero on the River2021-12-06T14:58:19-05:00
community development

Council adopted resolution 2018-06 at the Council meeting on September 20, approving the land purchase along the Estero River. This is 62 acres of land on the northeast corner of Corkscrew Road and US 41 which extends north to Judith Lane and east to the railroad tracks. This purchase is being conducted in response to residents’ requests to embrace Estero’s historic heritage and protect the environment.

Additional details will be available in the minutes of this meeting.  Residents may also view the archived meeting by going to the Village website


Budget hearings, Estero on the River FDEP funding, and Imperial Parkway monument sign were among topics covered by Council on September 8, 2022

First reading and public budget hearings  Resolution No. 2022-23 Council approved this resolution adopting the tentative millage rate and tentative levying of ad valorem taxes for fiscal year 2022-2023 of 0.7700 mills ($0.7700 per $1,000 [Read More.]

September 9th, 2022|Council Meetings, Land Purchase, News, Septic to Sewer|
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