What improvements would you like to see in the Village of Estero?
This question will be asked of Estero residents at a public workshop to be held at 5:30 p.m., Tuesday, May 24, at the Legacy Church, 21115 Design Parc Lane, across from the entrance to the Estero Community Park and Village Hall.
The Village Council will be reviewing Capital Improvement Projects as part of the overall budget process and wants to hear what projects the community believes to be most important so that Council can set priorities and put together a complete plan.
Some of the projects proposed by Councilmembers are sidewalks, lighting, and road improvements along Estero Parkway; landscaping throughout the community; access to the Estero River, and a bike trail study. However, they want to hear what improvements the community wants to see happen before putting an action plan together.
The Capital Projects would be paid from a portion of the unallocated general fund, gas taxes, impact fees, community park impact fees and regional park impact fees.
By identifying projects based on a 7 year term vs 5 years, the projects could be paid on a cash basis instead of borrowing funds.
The Village intends to follow conservative fiscal practices in order to have a significant amount of money in the reserves, setting aside monies for emergencies.
The Village continues to seek community input into how Estero grows in the future. Please plan to attend this important meeting and make your voice heard.
See results of studies conducted to date: