Action Items

Resolution No. 2018-08 – honoring 50 years of municipal Home Rule

Council approved this resolution which honors 50 years of municipal Home Rule in the Florida Constitution and commits to an educational initiative to help Floridians understand the benefit of this right.

Home Rule has enabled each city, town and village across the Sunshine State to consider, adopt, revise or remove its own laws without the need to seek legislative permission from the state.  (Resolution)

Village Council

Vice-Mayor Bill Ribble, Council Liaison to the Florida League of Cities, “deputized” Council members to be “Home Rule Enforcement Officers” committed to promoting home rule.  Shown left to right: Mayor Jim Boesch, Vice-Mayor Bill Ribble, and Councilmembers Jon McLain, Howard Levitan, Katy Errington, Jim Wilson and Nick Batos.  (Video)

Resolution No. 2018-09 – voting delegate for Florida League of Cities

Council approved this resolution appointing Vice-Mayor Bill Ribble the voting delegate for the Florida League of Cities annual conference and business meeting on August 16 – 18, 2018. (Resolution)


 Lisa Griggs Roberson Jim BoeschThe Government Finance Officers Association presented the Distinguished Budget Presentation Award to the Village of Estero for its comprehensive financial report for the Fiscal Year ending September 30, 2017.  This national award is presented for the highest level of performance in governmental budgeting.

In addition, when this award is granted to an entity, a Certificate of Recognition for Budget Preparation is presented to the individual/department designated as primarily responsible for this achievement.  Mayor Jim Boesch is shown presenting this certificate to the Village’s Finance Director Lisa Griggs Roberson.

Ordinance 2nd Readings/Public Hearings

Ordinance No. 2018-07 – amending the Transitional Land Development Code – tree protection

Tree ProtectionThis ordinance would have amended certain provisions of the Transitional Land Development Code regarding criteria for tree protection and standards for removal and replanting of trees in certain circumstances from lots zoned for single-family residential.

Prior to this meeting, the Village sent out a notice through community HOAs, the Village website and social media inviting residents to comment on this proposed change to the tree protection ordinance.  Many emails, phone calls and comments were received.  In addition, a large group of residents attended this meeting and during public comment 12 residents spoke against this proposed ordinance.

Council voted unanimously to not adopt this ordinance.

Ordinance No. 2018-09 – amending the Transitional Land Development Code – road impact fees

Impact FeesImpact fees are an important source of revenue for a local government to use in funding infrastructure required by new growth.

Duncan Associates recently conducted a countywide study which identified updated fees for roads.  This ordinance establishes impact fee base rates and regulations applicable to new development for Roads, Parks, Fire and Emergency Medical Services, and Schools.

Once the new rates are approved, staff will have Metro Forecasting Models prepare updated projections of impact fees for a 5-year period.

Council adopted this ordinance.  (Ordinance)

Ordinance No. 2018-10 – amending the Transitional Land Development Code – park impact fees

Park Impact FeesDuncan Associates recently conducted a countywide study which identified updated fees for regional and community parks.

This ordinance revises the park impact fee schedule to update the fees, combines regional and community parks into one park fee and establishes one Village-wide impact fee district.

Council adopted this ordinance.  (Ordinance)

Public Hearing

Proposed Capital Improvement Program

Capital Improvement ProgramThe 2018-2019 Capital Improvement Program (CIP) provides a budget and approves funding for capital projects.

Public Works Director David Willems reviewed the CIP projects which include estimates for debt service and down payment related to a potential land acquisition which are subject to change as details of the future purchase develop.

Council, voted to move the CIP to a second hearing scheduled for Wednesday, July 25.  (Proposed Capital Improvement Program)


Proposed FY 2018-2019 Budget

BudgetFinance Director Lisa Roberson reviewed the Budget Calendar which includes public workshops to be held in the Council chambers.

As required by Florida Statute Section 200.065, on July 25, Council will vote on the proposed millage rate. Two public hearings will be held at 5:30 p.m. on Wednesday, September 5 and 5:30 p.m., Thursday, September 20 to include votes to approve the millage rate and proposed budget for Fiscal Year 2018-2019. (Presentation)

Additional details are available in the minutes of this meeting.  Residents may also view the archived meeting by going to the Village website

The next Council meeting will be held at 9:30 a.m. Wednesday, July 25, 2018.