Sports Park and proposed millage rate among many topics addressed by Council on July 3, 2024
Sports Park Resolution 2024-12 – Proposed Millage Rate for FY 2024-2025 Council approved this resolution adopting the proposed millage rate of 0.7400 mills ($0.7400 per $1,000 of assessed property value) which is equal to the prior year rate. The millage rate will be reviewed in two public hearings on Wednesday, September 11, at 5:05 P.M. and Wednesday, September 18, at 5:05 P.M. Resolution 2024-13 – FY 2024-2025 Budget amendment During the audit for the fiscal year ended September 30, 2023, the Village’s external auditors, Tuscan & Company, P.A., noted the Village had expenditures in excess of its final approved budget [Read More.]
Florida Everblades and Estero’s response to FEMA Hurricane Ian compliance were addressed by Council on June 19, 2024
Everblades Kelly Cup championship team Head Coach & General Manager Brad Ralph, Mayor Jon McLain, Assistant Coach Anthony Peters, VP of Business Development Mike Kelly and Vice-Mayor Joanne Ribble. The meeting started with Mayor Jon McLain reading a proclamation congratulating the Florida Everblades for being the first team to win three consecutive Kelly Cup championships in a row. Action Items Estero on the River Phase 1 & 2 Construction Manager at Risk contract Estero on the River Council approved a Construction Manager at Risk (CMAR) contract with Manhattan Construction Company to construct the proposed Estero on the River [Read More.]
Utility expansion, Estero on the River and Corkscrew Road construction management among topics reviewed by Council on June 5, 2024
Utility Expansion Program Utility Expansion Program Construction Manager at Risk (CMAR) Council approved the ranking of the construction manager at risk firm for this project to be Wright Construction. Village staff will work with Wright Construction to negotiate a CMAR contract, including pre-construction services. The Village’s consultants are nearing completion of the design and permitting for the following Utility Expansion Programs: Cypress Bend, Sunny Groves, Estero Bay Village, Broadway Ave. West (Estero River Heights, Charing Cross Circle, Luettich Lane, and Sherrill Lane) and Highlands Ave. Funding is in place for the Cypress Bend and Sunny Groves projects. This is a [Read More.]
High 5, Entertainment District and Capital Improvement Program among topics addressed by Council on May 15, 2024
Councilmember Larry Fiesel, Ed Weil, Councilmember Rafael Lopez, Henry Larosee, Vice-Mayor Joanne Ribble, John Dearing (President Tidewater), Councilmember Lori Fayhee, Donna Dearing, Mayor Jon McLain, Dr. Alan White, Councilmember George Zalucki, Marjo White, Mark Novitski, Ronald Barnett, Councilmember Jim Ward and Terry Flanagan. The meeting started with Mayor Jon McLain presenting a proclamation recognizing the month of May as Military Appreciation Month, expressing full support and gratitude for our servicemen and women and veterans. Public Comment on non-agenda items: 1 resident suggested the monthly financial statements be placed separately on the website vs included in the agenda. Action [Read More.]
Roadway projects, BERT and Bella Terra cell tower among topics addressed by Council on May 1, 2024
Mayor Jon McLain, Flotilla 96 Commander Michael DiPierro and Chuck Moore The meeting started with Mayor Jon McLain presenting a proclamation for National Boat Safety Week recognizing the Flotilla 96 of the US Coast Guard Auxiliary offering boating safety classes, vessel safety checks and other boating safety awareness programs during the week of May 18-24. Mayor Jon McLain and 4KIDS SWFL Executive Director Rick Jacobs Mayor McClain also read a proclamation declaring May 2024 4KIDS - National Foster Care Awareness Month acknowledging the sacrifices and dedication of the many foster parents and concerned professionals working in the field of foster [Read More.]
Broadway Avenue East utility expansion and BERT among topics addressed by Council on April 17, 2024
Shown left to right: Councilmember Larry Fiesel, Vice-Mayor Joanne Ribble, Councilmembers Jim Ward and George Zalucki The meeting started with Vice-Mayor Joanne Ribble reading a proclamation in honor of Arbor Day, which is April 26. The proclamation states that the Village recognizes Arbor Day in the Village and urges all citizens to recognize Arbor Day, and to support efforts to protect our trees. Action Items Broadway Avenue East Utility Expansion Project Council approved a contract for $81,000, plus 10% contingency, with Florida Acquisition & Appraisal, Inc. (FLAA) to assist the Village in obtaining the easement and property required [Read More.]
Planning, Zoning & Design Board chairman and members appointed by Council on April 3, 2024
Action Items Resolution 2024-04 – Selection of Planning, Zoning & Design Board members and Chairman Council passed this resolution, selecting the new members and Chairman for the Planning, Zoning & Design Board (PZDB). Four members of the PZDB have terms that expire on April 30,2024. In addition, there are two vacancies on the PZDB. Council interviewed 13 candidates for the Board last month. The following individuals were appointed to the Village of Estero Planning, Zoning and Design Board with terms as indicated: BOARD MEMBER TERM Al Paivandy 5/1/2024 - 4/30/2025 James E Tatooles 5/1/2024 - 4/30/2025 Leonard E Scotty Wood [Read More.]
Grant applications and construction management among topics addressed by Council on March 20, 2024
Action Items Infrastructure grant applications Council approved a contract with Hagerty Consulting, Inc., to assist the Village in preparing and submitting infrastructure grant applications. The contract amount is $203,782, with a contingency of $20,000. Lee County received HUD funds to support long-term hurricane recovery for the area, and Hagerty Consulting, Inc., would work with Village staff to get grant applications submitted to Lee County before the end of May. The expected projects are. Broadway Ave West drainage, roadway, and safety improvements Village of Estero Utility Extension Projects(UEP) (Estero Bay Village, See See Street, Sandy Lane, & The Groves) Estero River [Read More.]
Estero High School students recognized by Council on March 6, 2024
Pictured above, left to right: Estero High School Cambridge Coordinator Carolyn Hutto, Kyra Ritter, Abram Saravia-Lopez, Keira Conrey, Madison White, Mollie Donaghy, Mayor Jon McLain, Hailey Jacob, Emily McDowell, Sophia Perkins, Estero High School Principal Michael Amabile. (not pictured, Aliva Ban) The meeting started with Mayor Jon McLain reading a proclamation for the Estero High School and 39 high school students who were awarded the Cambridge Outstanding Learners Awards. These are a group of awards which recognize exceptional learner achievement in Cambridge examinations around the world. Estero High School student Kyra Ritter received the award with distinction, and [Read More.]
Bonita-Estero Rail Trail among topics reviewed by Council on February 21, 2024
Action Items Corkscrew Road River Creek sidewalk agreement River Creek Council approved a sidewalk easement agreement with GL Homes to obtain an easement for the meandering path along the River Creek Community on Corkscrew Road. They agreed to reimburse GL Homes $104,994.23, with a contingency of $10,000, once the developer builds the asphalt path. This agreement provides the Village pathway easement for the proposed 10-ft wide path on the south side of Corkscrew Road and the River Creek frontage. The Village is designing the 10-ft wide path to extend to the east property line of Bella Terra.  Ordinance 2024-03 [Read More.]