Coconut Road EPD rezoning, Entertainment District and Millage rate addressed by Council on July 5, 2023
Public Comment on non-agenda items: Two residents of Shadow Wood in The Brooks spoke in opposition to the recently approved Phase 1 pickleball courts proposed by The Brooks CDD. Ordinance 2023-06 – Coconut Road EDP rezoning (Woodfield Development) Representatives of the Woodfield Development project team presented their rezoning request for this project which includes 596 dwelling units, 538 being luxury apartments and the remainder being townhomes, 80,000 square feet of commercial retail and dining, 42,000 square feet of office space, and 260 hotel rooms. The project also includes civic uses and amenities, and 10-foot-wide bike/pedestrian trails. Council approved this second [Read More.]
Representative Adam Botana and Florida Everblades visit Council on June 21, 2023
Public Comment on non-agenda items: A resident spoke recommending updating the Village charter, consider hiring a Parks & Recreation position, and approving using the website in lieu of the newspaper to provide notices. A second resident spoke recommending an ordinance pertaining to LED lighting to reduce traffic accidents and cancer. Florida Everblades Head Coast Brad Ralph, Mayor Jon McLain and Florida Everblades VP of Business Development & Broadcasting Mike Kelly The meeting started with Mayor Jon McLain presenting a proclamation to the Florida Everblades and acknowledging the pride the Village takes in this team for winning the 2023 Kelly Cup [Read More.]
Williams Road property among topics reviewed by Council on June 7, 2023
The meeting started with Mayor Jon McLain presenting Vice Mayor Joanne Ribble with the Florida League of Cities “Home Rule Hero Award.” Ribble was honored for working tirelessly throughout the 2023 legislative session to promote local voices making local choices, protect the Home Rule powers of Florida’s municipalities and advance the League’s legislative agenda. This is the third year in a row that Ribble has been honored with this award from the Florida League of Cities. Action Items Vieste, LLC Agreement Council approved a contract with Vieste LLC for a public/private partnership for the Williams Road mixed-use development project on [Read More.]
Corkscrew Road wetland mitigation and capital improvements among topics reviewed by Council on May 17, 2023
Public Comment on non-agenda items: A resident spoke about how there should be access from Estero into the Larry Kiker Preserve. A resident from The Vines thanked Councilmember Lori Fayhee for visiting their community to see where the Bonita Estero Rail Trail is being proposed to go through their property. Mayor Jon McLain (center) presented a proclamation to (left) Flotilla 91 Commander Gregory Masonick and Flotilla 91 Staff Officer/Public Affairs Daniel Eaton The meeting started with a proclamation designating May 20-26 as National Boat Safety Week. The goal is for all residents to learn and practice safe boating, [Read More.]
Corkscrew Road wetland mitigation credits among topics for Council on May 17, 2023
Council will start their meeting at 9:30 a.m., Wednesday, addressing Corkscrew Road wetland mitigation credits and conducting a second reading of an ordinance updating the Capital Improvements element. Council will then conduct four workshops. Topics include: Introduction to Public Trust advisors, State Legislative session update and Appropriations Report, Capital Improvement Plan and American Rescue Plan Act. The full agenda is available here. Meetings are held in the Council Chambers, Village Hall, 9401 Corkscrew Palms Circle, near the entrance to the Estero Park. Residents may view the meeting here and provide public comment by utilizing the eComment Card on the Village [Read More.]
Utility improvements and supplemental staffing among topics addressed by Council on May 3, 2023
Public comment on non-agenda items: A resident from Verdana Village spoke of safety concerns for children boarding the school bus on Corkscrew Road where there are no sidewalks. See See Street utility expansion The meeting started with Council approving a supplemental task authorization to a contract with Banks Engineering, Inc. for the See See Street utility expansion design and permitting for $240,500, with a $24,000 contingency fund. See See Street is an approximately .25-mile-long road off Corkscrew Road just west of Three Oaks Parkway. It is close to the south branch of the Estero River, the Corkscrew Road ditch and [Read More.]
Utility improvements and supplemental staffing among topics for Council on May 3, 2023
The meeting will start at 9:30 a.m., Wednesday, addressing a contract with Banks Engineering to design utility improvements at See See Street off Corkscrew Road. Council will then review Staff’s recommendation of three firms to provide supplemental staffing to the Village, and adopting a revised travel and expense reimbursement policy. There will be a first reading of Ordinance 2023-05 updating the capital improvements element which includes the Capital Improvement Program approved for Fiscal Year 2022/2023. Council will hold a workshop with an update of code compliance mitigation and payment. The full agenda is available here. Meetings are held in the [Read More.]
Keys to the city presented to former councilmembers during the Council meeting on April 19, 2023
The meeting started with Mayor Jon McLain reading a proclamation for Arbor Day. Marlene Naratil and Mayor Jon McLain This was followed by Mayor McLain presenting a proclamation for the former Vice Chair of the Planning, Zoning & Design Board Marlene Naratil. Naratil was one of the original board members and had served on the board for six years and seven months. Front row: Jim Boesch, Mayor Jon McLain, Katy Errington, Jim Wilson. Second row: Councilmembers Lori Fayhee, Larry Fiesel, Vice Mayor Joanne Ribble. Third row Councilmembers George Zalucki, Rafael Lopez. Mayor McLain then presented keys to [Read More.]
Keys to the city to be presented to former councilmembers during the Council meeting on April 19, 2023
Council will start their meeting at 9:30 a.m., Wednesday, with a proclamation for former Planning, Zoning & Design Board member Marlene Naratil. They will then present former Councilmembers Katy Errington, Jim Boesch and Jim Wilson with a key to the city, followed by a short reception. Topics to be addressed include: the re-appointment of 3 Planning, Zoning & Design Board members, Phase 1 Estero Parkway reuse main design contract, Williams Road widening preliminary design and engineering project, and revisions to a contract for disaster management services. The full agenda is available here. Meetings are held in the Council Chambers, Village [Read More.]
New councilmembers sworn in; Jon McLain named mayor and Joanne Ribble named vice-mayor on April 5, 2023
New councilmembers sworn in; Jon McLain named mayor and Joanne Ribble named vice-mayor on April 5, 2023 Councilmembers front row, left to right: Dist. 1 Vice-Mayor Joanne Ribble; Dist. 3 Mayor Jon McLain; Dist. 5 Rafael Lopez. Back row, left to right: Dist. 4 Lori Fayhee; Dist. 2 Larry Fiesel; Dist. 7 George Zalucki; Dist. 6 Jim Ward. The meeting started with the Honorable Elisabeth Adams, 20th Judicial Circuit Judge, reading the Oath of Office to the councilmembers for District 3 Jon McLain, District 4 Lori Fayhee, District 5 Rafael Lopez and District 7 George Zalucki. This was followed by [Read More.]