Joe’s Fresh Catch, AT&T Cell Tower and The Grove reviewed by the Planning & Zoning Board meeting on March 16, 2021
The Board started their meeting with a public hearing for Joe’s Fresh Catch, a seafood market and café located at 23050 Via Villagio in Coconut Point. They were requesting a license to serve beer and wine to the indoor and outdoor seating area of the café, which is limited to 28 seats. Hours of service will be 10 am to 6 pm Monday through Wednesday, 10 am to 7 pm Thursday through Saturday, and from 10 am to 2 pm Sunday for both indoor and outdoor seating areas. No outdoor entertainment is permitted. Public Comment: 1 eComment card was read [Read More.]
Joe’s Fresh Catch, AT&T Cell Tower and The Grove on the agenda for the Planning & Zoning Board meeting on March 16, 2021
The Board will start their meeting at 5:30 p.m. with a public hearing for Joe’s Fresh Catch request for consumption of alcohol in the café and outdoor seating area. There will then be a public information meeting for the AT&T special exception request to allow a wireless telecommunications facility. They are requesting a variance to allow the construction of a 150-foot monopole 103 feet from the southern property line instead of the required 150-foot setback. The site is 3231 Coconut Road on the property of the Bonita Springs-Estero Elks Lodge. A public information meeting will also be conducted for The [Read More.]
Village of Estero seeking volunteers for a new land use board
Estero is forming a Planning, Zoning & Design Board as a result of adopting its new Land Development Code. This new Board will combine the functions of the current Planning & Zoning Board and Design Review Board duties. The Board will review applications for rezonings, comprehensive plan amendments, site plan approvals (development orders), and similar items for conformance with the Village Land Development Code and Comprehensive Plan. Building design, architecture and landscaping aspects are of particular importance in maintaining Estero’s quality of life. Diverse backgrounds are encouraged. Prior experience in landscape, planning, zoning, engineering, or architecture is helpful but not [Read More.]
School property, Pavich Center and Capital Improvements Ordinance addressed by the Planning & Zoning Board on January 19, 2021
School property, Pavich Center and Capital Improvements Ordinance addressed by the Planning & Zoning Board on January 19, 2021 The Board conducted a public hearing for the School District of Lee County. The School District was requesting a Comprehensive Plan Amendment to develop an elementary and middle school on Three Oaks Parkway. The 68.5-acre undeveloped parcel is located south of Copper Oaks, southeast of the Post Office and bounded by Three Oaks Parkway on the west and I-75 on the east. They are proposing a two-story school building with a media center, cafeteria and gym. The planned open spaces will [Read More.]
School property, Capital Improvements Ordinance and Pavich Center on the agenda for the Planning & Zoning Board January 19, 2021
The Board will conduct public hearings at 5:30 p.m., Tuesday, for the school property on Three Oaks Parkway, the Capital Improvements Ordinance 2021-01 and the Pavich Center at 21250 Happy Hollow Lane and Corkscrew Road. The full agenda is available here: Meetings are held in the Council Chambers, Village Hall, 9401 Corkscrew Palms Circle, near the entrance to the Estero Community Park. The Council Chambers will be available for public comment, in accordance with social distancing orders. Participants are to wear their own-supplied mask. Residents may view the meeting here: and provide public comment during the meeting by [Read More.]
School property, Estero Crossing and Land Development Code addressed by the Planning & Zoning Board on December 15, 2020
The Board conducted a public hearing for the School District of Lee County. The School District was requesting a Comprehensive Plan Amendment to develop an elementary and middle school on Three Oaks Parkway. The 68.5-acre undeveloped parcel is located south of Copper Oaks, southeast of the Post Office and bounded by Three Oaks Parkway on the west and I-75 on the east. The School District purchased this land in 2003. Their plans call for the school to open in August 2023, operate from 8:55 a.m. – 3:55 p.m., and include 2,350 students and 175 employees. (Presentation) Public Comment: One resident [Read More.]
School property, Estero Crossing and Land Development Code on the agenda for the Planning & Zoning Board starting at 4 p.m., December 15, 2020
The Board is scheduled to conduct a public hearing at 4 p.m., Tuesday, for the School District of Lee County. The School District is planning to develop an elementary and middle school on Three Oaks Parkway. Starting at 5:30 p.m., the Board will conduct public hearings for Ordinance 2020-11 amending conditions associated with the development of Estero Crossing as they relate to the proposed traffic signal and Ordinance No. 2020-10 pertaining to the Land Development Code. The full agenda is available here: Meetings are held in the Council Chambers, Village Hall, 9401 Corkscrew Palms Circle, near the entrance to [Read More.]
Planning & Zoning Board conducted a workshop addressing the Land Development Code Part 2C on December 1, 2020
Village consultants Clarion Associates and Johnson Engineering conducted a third and final workshop on the proposed Land Development Code (LDC). The LDC, which is required by the state, provides guidelines for all development and re-development in the Village. It addresses architecture, open space and parking, landscaping, sidewalks, bike/ped improvements, traffic and stormwater and the types of permits required for these projects. Part 2C of the LDC focuses on general provisions, administration, and rules of construction, interpretation and measurement. Residents may view the archived meeting by going to the Village website The next Planning & Zoning Board meeting will be [Read More.]
Estero Crossing and Land Development Code reviewed by the Design Review Board on November 18, 2020
The Board conducted a workshop for the Estero Crossing Commercial Phase 1. The applicant was requesting review of their updated commercial building elevations and landscape plans. They have made a number of changes to the elevations of the buildings, raising them with towers, as well as adding elements projecting forward from the ground. The side elevations include a covered outdoor dining area. The color palettes used on these buildings will be represented in the rest of the development. The pocket parks include improvements of two sidewalks on each side which will be shaded, bike parking and benches. Landscaping includes royal [Read More.]
Planning & Zoning Board conducted a workshop addressing the Land Development Code Part 2 on November 17, 2020
Village consultants Clarion Associates and Johnson Engineering conducted a workshop on the proposed Land Development Code (LDC) Part 2. LDC, which is required by the state, provides guidelines for all development and re-development in the Village. It addresses architecture, open space and parking, landscaping, sidewalks, bike/ped improvements, traffic and stormwater and the types of permits required for these projects. Part 2 of the LDC focuses on the site development standards, natural resources, public facility funding and coordination, and nonconformities. Residents may view the archived meeting by going to the Village website The next Planning & Zoning Board meeting will [Read More.]