Planning, Zoning & Design Board

1208, 2021

Corkscrew Pines, Marketplace at Coconut Point and Estero Crossing addressed the Planning, Zoning & Design Board on August 10, 2021

By |August 12th, 2021|Categories: Planning, Zoning & Design Board|Comments Off on Corkscrew Pines, Marketplace at Coconut Point and Estero Crossing addressed the Planning, Zoning & Design Board on August 10, 2021

Corkscrew Pines The Board started their meeting with a public hearing with representatives of Corkscrew Pines who are requesting amendments to the zoning and master concept plan which had been formerly approved by Lee County.    This 21-acre parcel is located on Corkscrew Road at the northeast corner of the Stoneybrook community between Stoneybrook Golf Drive and Firehouse Lane and north of Pinewoods Elementary School, across from Grandezza.    The amendment would allow a gas station/convenience store to operate 24 hours a day. Other uses would include mini-warehouse and office and retail. Their plans include an enhanced landscaping plan along [Read More.]

1407, 2021

West Bay Hill, Miromar Outlets and Colonnade projects among those reviewed by the Planning, Zoning & Design Board on July 13, 2021

By |July 14th, 2021|Categories: Planning, Zoning & Design Board|Comments Off on West Bay Hill, Miromar Outlets and Colonnade projects among those reviewed by the Planning, Zoning & Design Board on July 13, 2021

The Board started their meeting conducting three public information meetings: West Bay Hill, Miromar Outlets and The Colonnade. West Bay Hill is requesting to increase the height of a proposed high-rise building on a 5-acre lot from 20 stories to 23 stories over one level of parking.  The applicant pointed out that additional floors would provide a more slender design and a more exclusive product.  The four units per floor with two penthouse levels would provide 88 units.  The building would include an amenity center and a rooftop pool.  (West Bay Presentation) The West Bay Club is located off of [Read More.]

306, 2021

Estero Crossing restaurant and Lee Health Medical Building among projects to be reviewed by the Planning, Zoning & Design Board on June 8, 2021

By |June 3rd, 2021|Categories: Planning, Zoning & Design Board|Comments Off on Estero Crossing restaurant and Lee Health Medical Building among projects to be reviewed by the Planning, Zoning & Design Board on June 8, 2021

The meeting will start at 4:30 p.m., Tuesday, with a public information meeting for the Oak & Stone restaurant, a proposed one-story 5,300± square foot restaurant on an outparcel located at the northeast portion of Estero Crossing on the south of Corkscrew Road. There will then be a workshop for an art sculpture to be located at Estero Crossing. Public hearings will be conducted for the Clean Machine Car Wash located on the east side of US 41 at the intersection of US 41 and Vintage Parkway, Extra Space Storage at Coconut Point and Lee Health Medical Building located on [Read More.]

1205, 2021

Clean Machine Car Wash, mobile home variance and Ordinance 2021-04 reviewed by Planning Zoning & Design Board on May 11, 2021

By |May 12th, 2021|Categories: Planning, Zoning & Design Board|Comments Off on Clean Machine Car Wash, mobile home variance and Ordinance 2021-04 reviewed by Planning Zoning & Design Board on May 11, 2021

Public Information Meeting - Eugenia Chojnowski Mobile Home Variance The applicant is seeking a variance from the 10-foot setback between mobile homes located at 10825 Little Heron Circle in Corkscrew Woodlands.   Due to the placement of the mobile home and the configuration of the parcel, there is a portion of the home that encroaches in the 10-foot setback. The Board voted to delegate this to the Village staff to deal with administratively. Workshop – Clean Machine Car Wash The Board conducted a workshop for the Clean Machine Car Wash. The applicant is seeking to construct a 3,610 square foot, one-story [Read More.]

505, 2021

Clean Machine Car Wash, mobile home variance and Ordinance 2021-04 to be reviewed by Planning Zoning & Design Board on May 11, 2021

By |May 5th, 2021|Categories: Planning, Zoning & Design Board|Comments Off on Clean Machine Car Wash, mobile home variance and Ordinance 2021-04 to be reviewed by Planning Zoning & Design Board on May 11, 2021

The meeting will start at 4:30 p.m., Tuesday, with a public information meeting for the Clean Machine Car Wash. This is located on the east side of US 41 at the intersection of US 41 and Vintage Parkway. The vacant parcel is approximately 200 feet north of Aldi Grocery Store and opposite Breckenridge Drive. There will then be a public information meeting for a request for a 10-foot setback between mobile homes within Corkscrew Woodlands followed by a public hearing to review Ordinance No. 2021-04 amending the Village Land Development Code to establish authority to appoint Co-Chairs to the Planning [Read More.]

2104, 2021

Planning, Zoning & Design Board conducted initial workshop on April 20, 2021

By |April 21st, 2021|Categories: Planning, Zoning & Design Board|Comments Off on Planning, Zoning & Design Board conducted initial workshop on April 20, 2021

The new Planning, Zoning & Design Board members are (front left to right): Kristin Jeannin, James Tatooles and Marlene Naratil. (Back, left to right) Anthony Gargano, Howard Levitan, Leonard “Scotty” Wood III and Mike Sheeley. Not pictured: Barry Jones and Jim Wallace Community Development Director Mary Gibbs and Village Land Use Attorney Nancy Stroud gave a presentation to the new Planning, Zoning & Design Board regarding the land use regulation processes. Topics covered Florida public official laws pertaining to government in the sunshine, financial disclosure and conflict of interest disclosure. The role of this new board was described [Read More.]

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